Our Story

Un Flawed NYC

What is Un Flawed NYC about?

~ "To be Flawed and Flawless at the same time."
Un Flawed NYC is a beauty lifestyle brand that helps people like yourself to love and embrace themselves and their inner confidence on a daily basis...with a bit of NYC spice! 
Words from our CEO: "

"I started this company at the time that I did because during the time we were home taking care of ourselves and our feelings, we also were searching for different things that were meaningful and not taking life for granted. When the salons were closed, all people had was their true selves to take of. Doing their own hair, makeup, and nails, dealing with insecurities and flaws...You name it. I heard stories of people who looked in the mirror and sat with themselves for the first time in a long time and didn't know the person they looked at. I also had to face my deepest insecurities and embrace whom I saw and the body I'm in. I felt as if there needed to be an outlet where people can see themselves and know that they're not alone and it's needed to love yourself, while also having beauty products that represented the way I wanted to feel on a daily basis... and that's how Un Flawed NYC came to life." - Umia